Expat Focus International Healthcare Update August 2023

Pojištovna VZP’s Monopoly Comes to an End In Czechia, the monopoly held by Všeobecná zdravotní pojišťovna (VZP) over expats’ health insurance appears to be approaching its end, with the Chamber of Deputies voting for its removal. The proposed minimum health

Expat Focus Wellbeing Update August 2023

Global Warming Brings Unprecedented Heatwaves If the thought of heat occupies your mind, you’re certainly not alone – especially considering that, in the Northern Hemisphere, we are still amidst the summer months. The globe experienced three of its hottest days

Expat Focus International News Update August 2023

InterNations 2022 Survey  The InterNations Expat Insider survey, now a decade old, has recently released its 2023 edition, canvassing insights from 12,000 expats worldwide. Last year, Mexico came top of the list, and it has successfully retained its position for

Expat Focus Wellbeing Update July 2023

Sustainable Wellness Resorts With the increased emphasis on climate change, we thought we would take some time this month to focus on sustainable wellness retreats across the world, such as those involving indigenous communities and prioritising the local environment. Green

Expat Focus International News Update July 2023

Tokyo Residents Subject to New Flight Path Japan has recently revised its flight regulations, causing expats in Tokyo to complain about the new 2020 flight path, which now sees jets thundering over their heads. During peak times, around 44 planes

Expat Focus International Healthcare Update July 2023

Germany Introduces E-Prescriptions Germany introduced e-prescriptions (“e-Rezept”) from July 1st 2023, after successful trials across the country. You should now be able to access your medication by taking your health insurance card into your local pharmacy, placing it in the

Expat Focus Financial Update July 2023

Cost of Living Crisis Causes “23%” of Expats to Consider Selling Up According to recent research by Experts for Expats, around 23% of British expats are considering selling their UK properties. Undertaken in late 2022, the survey consulted 200 British