Expat Focus International Healthcare Update June 2019

Expat men are worried about their healthcare Since moving overseas, four in five male expats say they have had to access healthcare, research has revealed. The findings from AXA-Global Healthcare highlights that 84% of male expats living overseas have used

Expat Focus International News Update June 2019

Bahrain bans expats from its public sector Following in the steps of other GCC countries, Bahrain is the latest to announce it is banning expat recruitment in the public sector. MPs there have now voted to approve plans to replace

Expat Focus Financial Update June 2019

UK is the most expensive country to send expats The UK has overtaken Japan as the most expensive destination to send expat employees, a survey reveals. The findings from ECA International reveal that while salaries have remained static, costs have

Expat Focus Brexit News Update June 2019

Brexit is still with us, but Theresa May herself is (just about) not, having now stepped down from the leadership of the Conservative Party. This has precipitated the inevitable leadership race, featuring everything from wild promises from the front-runner, Boris

Expat Focus Brexit News Update May 2019

Suggestions that Brexit will still be with us in 2030 started to seem less sarcastic and more realistic this month, with the collapse of Theresa May’s attempts to arrive at a mutually agreeable solution with Labour.On Tuesday 21st May, Commons

Expat Focus Financial Update May 2019

HMRC warns expats 'time is running out' Taxpayers and expats with offshore accounts are being warned by HM Revenue and Customs that ‘time is running out’ to declare their interests.In addition, all financial advisers who have referred a client to

Expat Focus Brexit News Update April 2019

The issue of Brexit has now become so complicated that you could be forgiven for throwing up your hands and abandoning any attempt to try to follow recent events. Let’s have a quick recap, therefore, of where we are with

Expat Focus Healthcare Update April 2019

LGBT expat advice after Brunei move Following the introduction of the death penalty for those in a same-sex relationship in Brunei, one worldwide health and risk management solutions firm is offering advice to employers who may have LGBT employees working