Expat Focus International News Update February 2020

Thailand scraps TM28 form's address reporting requirement The controversial and widely unpopular TM28 address reporting requirement has been scrapped by the Thai government. Previously, anyone who stayed outside of their province for more than 24 hours was required to fill

Expat Focus Financial Update February 2020

South African expats concerned about tax The upcoming changes to South Africa’s tax laws continue to cause consternation among South African expats. The new regulations will see South Africans abroad needing to pay tax on their global income, including benefits

Expat Focus International News Update January 2020

UAE internet restrictions mar tech growth ambitions The UAE’s pledge to become a tech hub for expat employees is being marred by its strict inhibitions concerning internet usage.As well as banning many social media sites, the government does not allow

Expat Focus Financial Update December 2019

Australian expats remain concerned about new capital gains tax The Australian government’s plans to levy capital gains taxes on Australian citizens who own properties in the country but live abroad is still causing concern among expats.Anyone selling their property will

Expat Focus International News Update December 2019

World's best cities to be an expat A new survey by Internations ranked all the major expat destinations based on their popularity scores across several measures. Over 80 cities were analysed, and data was crunched concerning settling down, work-life balance,

Expat Focus Brexit News Update December 2019

Now that the general election is over, with the Conservatives returned (in England, at least) with an overwhelming majority and thus a mandate to leave the EU, the government says that Brexit will now definitely go ahead. Whatever you may