Expat Focus Brexit News Update July 2020

As Britain slowly begins to emerge from lockdown, its focus starts to shift once again towards the issue of Brexit. This article will take you through the most recent developments, as well as their implications for expats.30th June was the

Expat Focus Brexit News Update June 2020

As the summer progresses and Covid finally starts to recede (or so we may cautiously hope), Brexit is once more coming to the forefront of some people’s minds. The pandemic has slowed negotiations – some commentators say that this has

Expat Focus Financial Update June 2020

Hong Kong’s expats are asking whether they should stay in the city state or go, after problems caused by Covid, political unrest and the continued high cost of living. The latest survey from global consultancy firm Mercer, which analyses the

Expat Focus Brexit News Update May 2020

As with April’s report, the news both in the UK and elsewhere has been dominated by the ongoing pandemic, but this does not mean that things have gone quiet on the Brexit front and we have seen significant movement on

Expat Focus Financial Update May 2020

US expats receive erroneous checks May has seen reports of American expats who have renounced their citizenships getting CARES Act stimulus payments, in addition to foreign workers living overseas. Politico.com says that “thousands of foreign workers, many living overseas” have