Expat Focus Brexit News Update September 2020

The Brexit plot has definitely thickened over the last month, with the Daily Express claiming, in late September, that war has erupted between the UK and the EU. The UK’s negotiating team says that the EU has “politicised” the negotiations

Expat Focus International Healthcare Update August 2020

The Covid pandemic obviously continues to dominate the healthcare news, although its reign in the UK seems to be slowing down significantly in August. However, the international travel scene was plunged into further Covid-related turmoil this month with quarantines imposed

Expat Focus Financial Update August 2020

The property market in Dubai is reporting the high probability of a ‘difficult’ two years following the shake up from the Covid pandemic. Travel restrictions and other knock-on effects of Covid have resulted in a significant sag in the real

Expat Focus Brexit News Update August 2020

The astute observer will have noticed that, now we are well into the summer, Brexit is once more creeping up to rival Covid in the headlines, at least in the UK. Downing Street announced, at the time of writing, that

Expat Focus International News Update July 2020

Although the coronavirus continues to feature heavily in the news, we are starting to see other stories being reported. For example, Hong Kong has been dominating the headlines, as a result of the increasing crackdown by China and the escalation

Expat Focus International Healthcare Update July 2020

COVID-19 continues to dominate healthcare news across the globe. Although many countries are now beginning to emerge from lockdown, there is widespread concern around the impacts of a second wave. As a result, some countries are already taking precautions. For

Expat Focus Financial Update July 2020

In our update last month, we mentioned that there has been a growing trend for some countries, particularly in the Gulf, to limit jobs for expats. The COVID-19 pandemic has lent fuel to this fire, with most nations facing significant