Expat Focus Mental Health Update October 2021

Mental health support for Westerners in Taipei The Taipei Times has reported recently on an organisation, Haxstrong, that offers mental health assistance and other forms of help to Westerners in Taiwan. The group started as an informal collection of Western

Expat Focus International News Update October 2021

British citizens leaving Spain ‘in droves’ The UK national press has given substantial coverage to the issue of British expats’ ‘exodus’ from Spain this month. Spanish estate agencies and others report a mass departure of Brits, many of whom are

Expat Focus Mental Health Update September 2021

Recent research suggests that as many as 50% of American expats have experienced mental health difficulties, and with Covid-19 added into the mix, the number might be even higher from 2020 onwards.   Mental health during the pandemic The study,

Expat Focus International News Update September 2021

Stranded Australians may be allowed back into the country Over 44,000 expats are waiting to return to Australia, with 5,000 of them classified as vulnerable. However, Scott Morrison has now acknowledged their frustration and says that the authorities are looking

Expat Focus Financial Update August 2021

American financial clients lose out Despite J P Morgan having recently acquired the UK’s largest digital wealth manager, Nutmeg Saving & Investment Ltd, the fund is now allegedly telling American clients that they will have to leave and that their