Expat Focus Financial Update January 2022

US expats face double taxation threat American tax specialists in the UK have highlighted a potential issue for US expats lurking in President Biden’s Build Back Better bill, if it is passed as currently written. Countries such as the UK,

Expat Focus Mental Health Update December 2021

Flexible working and mental health The recent HSBC annual Expat Explorer survey revealed that many expats put flexible working as high on their list of priorities when choosing a company. The benefits of flexible working – either in the form

Expat Focus Financial Update December 2021

DeVere comes under fire for ‘loss of expats’ money’ Financial firm deVere is in the spotlight this month for allegedly losing large quantities of expats’ money. Wealthy expats, NHS staff working abroad, and expats working for construction companies all say

Expat Focus Mental Health Update November 2021

Mental health issues continue to feature in the post-pandemic news. We’ll take a look at some new developments and how they might affect you as an expat.   Mental health hotline in Prague is extended Prague’s Bohnice Psychiatric Hospital has

Expat Focus International News Update November 2021

Post-Covid confidence rises among expats The 14th annual Expat Explorer study, published in mid-October, shows that confidence among expats remains high. The yearly survey collects data from over 20,000 people who live and work abroad. As one might expect, 75%

Expat Focus Financial Update November 2021

Hong Kong “increasingly isolated”, experts warn Financial experts warned in early November that HKSAR is becoming ‘increasingly isolated’ as a result of the city state’s draconian policies. We have regularly reported on this issue throughout the latter stages of the