Bulgaria – Education and Schools

Bulgaria is a country located in Southeastern Europe, with a population of approximately 7 million people. The education system in Bulgaria is overseen by the Ministry of Education and Science. In this article, we will explore the quality of education in Bulgaria, the compulsory education ages, breakdown the types of schools available by age, syllabus … Read more

Bulgaria – Driving Licenses

General rules for driving licenses in Bulgaria Foreign nationals visiting Bulgaria can use their own valid driving license for up to 12 months or until the expiration of the license, whichever comes first. If the license is not in a language that uses the Latin alphabet, an International Driving Permit (IDP) must be presented alongside … Read more

Bulgaria – Driving

Bulgaria is a beautiful country with a lot of history and culture to offer. If you are planning to drive in Bulgaria, there are some things you should know to ensure a safe and enjoyable journey. In this article, we will discuss road safety in Bulgaria, the quality of roads, local driving standards, equipment required … Read more

Bulgaria – Doctors

Bulgaria has a universal healthcare system that provides free or low-cost medical care to all Bulgarian citizens and legal residents. The country has both public and private healthcare providers, with the public sector being the primary provider of healthcare services. Finding and Registering with a Local Doctor To find and register with a local doctor … Read more

Bulgaria – Disability

Bulgaria is a country in southeastern Europe with a population of approximately 7 million people. Like in many countries, people with disabilities in Bulgaria face a range of challenges and barriers to inclusion and full participation in society. In this article, we will explore common attitudes towards disability in Bulgaria, legislation related to disability rights, … Read more

Bulgaria – Cycling

Bulgaria is a beautiful country located in southeastern Europe, known for its diverse landscapes and rich cultural heritage. Cycling is a popular activity in Bulgaria, with many people using bicycles as a form of transport or for recreational purposes. The country offers a range of routes that cater to all levels of cyclists, from beginners … Read more

Bulgaria – Cost of Living

Bulgaria is a beautiful country located in southeastern Europe known for its stunning natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. In this article, we will provide an overview of the cost of living in Bulgaria, including the local currency, how it compares to the cost of living in the UK and USA, and a breakdown of … Read more

Bulgaria – Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Overview of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Bulgaria Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) refers to a wide range of practices and treatments that are not considered conventional medicine. While conventional medicine relies on scientific evidence and proven techniques, CAM involves more natural and holistic approaches to healthcare. In Bulgaria, CAM is becoming increasingly popular, with … Read more

Bulgaria – Citizenship

Bulgaria is a beautiful country located in Southeast Europe known for its stunning scenery, rich history, and cultural heritage. Bulgaria offers a range of benefits to those who choose to become citizens, including access to social benefits, political participation, and a high standard of living. In this article, we’ll explore who can apply for citizenship … Read more