Brazil – Car Rental

Brazil is a vast and diverse country with many attractions that are best explored with a rental car. If you plan to visit Brazil and want to explore the country at your own pace, renting a car is a great idea. In this article, we will discuss the local rules and requirements for renting a … Read more

Brazil – Buses and Trams

Brazil is the largest country in South America and has a well-developed public transportation system that includes buses and trams. In this article, we will focus on the buses and trams in Brazil. Overall Standard of Buses in Brazil The overall standard of buses in Brazil is good. The buses are modern, air-conditioned, and comfortable. … Read more

Brazil – Banking

Main Local Banks in Brazil Brazil has a large and diverse banking sector, with many local banks operating in the country. Some of the largest banks in Brazil include: Banco do Brasil Itaú Unibanco Bradesco Caixa Econômica Federal Santander Brasil Each of these banks offers a range of products and services, including current and savings … Read more