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Switzerland – Recommended Blogs

At Expat Focus, we like to be on the lookout for resources around the web that could help prospective expats adjust to their new countries. Today, we’re taking a look at Switzerland and some of the blogs that might be useful for expats there.This Off Script Life

Jennifer followed her husband’s job to Zurich in 2012, she now blogs about how she’s learning to accept the unexpected off script elements of expat life. Attorney by day and writer by night, she explores Switzerland as inspiration for her writing. She writes about not fitting in, adapting and beginning to feel more at home; issues common to all expats. Follow her exploration of Switzerland and Europe as she finds beauty in the everyday otherness of life in Switzerland.

The Dubious Hausfrau

When Canadian Tatiana started writing about her life as a trailing spouse she was surprised that anyone took the time to read her blog and even more surprised that her posts really comforted newcomers to Switzerland. Whether she is learning French or sharing her ‘Sippy Saturday’ cocktails with you, you are sure to be entertained. Open and honest about the ups and downs of expat life and the surprises that might lie in store because of a bad day at work, this blog is a must read.

Familial Entropy

This German mum blogs in two languages about her family life and the decrease in order of the household that happens with every new member added. Her explorations of the country and its culture are intelligently written and contain snippets of her daily interactions. Any parent will understand the busy schedule of this household and its ever increasing disorder as babies become toddlers.

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Diary Of A Move

Serial expat Katia is Greek by birth and ‘a perpetual foreigner by choice’. Through her blog she explores the concept of home, both the finding and the sustaining of it whilst living a seemingly nomadic life. She talks about all aspects of expat life. All the gory details can be found here, with the aim to inform, rather than scare, any expat looking for answers. If you want to know what happens when the honeymoon period is over and how to maintain your expat happiness, read this blog.

Expat CH

Hawaiian Bill followed his bride to Switzerland in 2010. His blog is a collection of words and stunning pictures of his adventures at home and abroad. Did you know that there is an English library in Geneva? Or where the best burger is found? He answers those questions and some other possibly more important ones too, and swears that the Swiss Tourist Board is not paying him. An entertaining read for anyone considering an expat life.

Crazy, Amazing Life

Long-term expat Elisa left Sardinia at 17 and has since lived all over the world, before settling (for now) in Zurich with her husband and two daughters. She shares her passion and enthusiasm for life in general on her blog, discussing issues of fitting in, missing out and finding home in a new country. At 40 she is approaching expat life with a redefined sense of happiness and a continuing sense of adventure for the world at home and abroad.

Scottish Girl In Zurich

Blogging since 2011, Scottish-born Emma aims to share the best of her everyday family life in Zurich and beyond. A veracious reader and traveller, she will take you with her as she conquers piles of books, explores a corner of Madrid or simply spends a childfree afternoon at home. An alphabet series that runs for over two years of the blog houses some great photographs, in fact most posts include a number of pictures in addition to her positive and uplifting prose.

Lausanne Mom

Scientist Meta has lived in Switzerland since 2005, when she became pregnant for the first time in 2008 she found it difficult to find the information she needed in English, and so her blog was born. Targeted mainly at families, but also useful for any expat, this blog holds a vast amount of information, her reviews are particularly useful to newcomers looking to get out and about as cost efficiently as possible. Look out for her ‘This and that’ posts to find out what’s coming up in the next month as well as her second hand guides to buying practically anything.

Weaving In And Out

American Jennifer has been living in Switzerland since 2012, she enjoys sharing her experiences ‘the good, the bad, and the just plain silly’ here on her blog. With two teens and a tween in the house, her posts are filled with a humour necessary to cope with the hormonal ups and downs in her house. She honestly recants her expat mishaps and reminisces frequently about where she came from and what it means to be an expat in today’s global community.

Cowbells And Chocolate

Falling in love with a foreign exchange student in high school, whom she later married, Florida born Lisa is enjoying her great expat adventure in Bern. The language barrier, cultural differences and everyday expat surprises are a mainstay of her amusing text heavy posts. A fresh sense of enthusiasm ripples through this blog, for language, celebrations and the many facets of Switzerland.

We’re always on the lookout for more sites to feature – if you run a blog about living in Switzerland, leave us a link in the comments and we’ll take a look!