Make The Most Of Your Time In Saudi Arabia – 5 Things To Try Before Returning Home
Saudi Arabia has the biggest economy in the Middle East, and expats often move there for lucrative job opportunities and business purposes. In spite of a considerable international population, Saudi Arabia has a deeply traditional culture that is governed by strict rules…
A Few Tips For Expats Driving In Saudi Arabia
Even though the Public Transport system in Saudi Arabia is quite advanced, most residents own a vehicle and prefer to drive around, which is why there is one car for every four people. As compared to other countries, gas in Saudi Arabia…
5 Things You Should Know Before Moving To Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia is the biggest economy in the Middle East and every year many foreigners move to the country for business purposes. But Saudi Arabia is a country governed by rather strict rules and observances and adjusting to its culture and lifestyle…
Dealing With Culture Shock In Saudi Arabia – Some Advice For New Expats
Saudi Arabia is a conservative country with deep religious roots. Since the culture here is so vastly different from western countries, expats may take some time to adjust. While culture shock may be uncomfortable, it does wear off and in the meantime…
Saudi Arabia’s ‘Unwritten’ Constitution
Perhaps the closest analog to a constitution in Saudi Arabia is its Basic Law, a document divided into nine chapters and a total of 83 articles. Interestingly enough, this places Saudi Arabia in very limited company, which includes the United Kingdom and…