Buying Clothes In Saudi Arabia: An Introductory Guide
Saudi Arabia is a deeply conservative country that is governed by Sharia law. Saudi nationals strictly adhere to the dress code. The rules are slightly more relaxed for expats, especially within compounds, but they are expected to abide by the dress code…
Moving To Saudi Arabia – What To Expect As A New Expat
Moving to Saudi Arabia can be quite intimidating for anyone who has spent most of their life in a Western or liberal democratic country. It’s important that you understand the reasons behind the conservative laws and culture before you move to the…
Learning To Communicate With The Locals In Saudi Arabia – Some Tips For Expats
Saudi Arabia is the biggest economy in the whole of the Middle East and its lucrative job opportunities attract a multitude of expats each year. In spite of this considerable foreign population, the country remains deeply traditional and the society is marked…
Staying Safe In Saudi Arabia As An Expat
Saudi Arabia is a land of stark contradictions, widely misunderstood and often misrepresented. While a lot that you’ve heard about Saudi Arabia is probably true, most of it needs to be taken in context to the cultural and religious identity of the…
Cost of Living Facts For Expats Moving To Saudi Arabia
Many expats who relocate to Saudi Arabia for work receive subsidized housing, transports, health insurance and education for their children. Such benefits make the cost of living in this country quite affordable. With much of their expenses taken care of, expats are…