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Russia – Recommended Social Media Accounts

At Expat Focus, we like to be on the lookout for resources around the web that could help prospective expats adjust to their new countries. Today, we’re taking a look at Russia and some of the social media accounts you should be following if you’re thinking of moving there.Moscow Expat Parents
Facebook Page

An essential source of information and events for expat parents living in Moscow, this Facebook page is all about children. Whether they have third culture kids swept away from their originating home for a significant part of their early development years or kids just briefly dipping into a country, this is a great place for parents to learn. Contributors share events both locally and in the surrounding areas, alongside anything helpful.

Trekking With Becky
Facebook Page | Twitter | Instagram

Becky is a Canadian expat blogging about travel and living abroad in Russia and Japan. She invites readers to share her incredible (and at times challenging) journey trekking through the curious landscape of a culture different from her own. Trading in hockey sticks and maple syrup for a mantelpiece of matryoshka dolls (Russian nesting doll) and slices of homemade homemade kulich (a traditional Easter cake), this is her story.

Russia Briefing
Facebook Page | Twitter

Russia Briefing is a daily news service focused on doing business in Russia, with special emphasis on updates regarding the economy, FDI, law and tax issues. It is run by a firm providing legal, tax and operational advice for foreign investors in Russia and for Russian clients investing in Asia, but offers an interesting snapshot of the professional landscape for new and established expats alike.

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Expats Living In Moscow
Facebook Page

This is a brand new Facebook page, set up when the author was looking for expat communities in Moscow and found out that there wasn’t much around (especially compared to other countries). They want to connect like-minded people who are at various stages of their expat journey, organize meet-ups and share lessons learned as they settle into Russian lives. Posts are exclusively written in English.

Russian Culture, Expats In Russia
Facebook Page

With the ethos of ‘sharing information about the life of an expat in Russia’ and the rather more complicated job of expounding on a myriad of ways to fit into a culture, this Facebook page takes on a tough job and does it well. Open to all people who are living in Russia or about to start an expat project, this community is all about information and making life more interesting for expats.

ExPat Lipetsk
Facebook Page

This Facebook page is a project intended to unite expat people living in Lipetsk, Russia, a city located on the banks of the Voronezh River in the Don basin – 438 kilometers southeast of Moscow. Founded in 2016, timeline posts include accommodation listings, area recommendations and member chat about the best places for expats to eat in Lipetsk. Friendly and informal, this is a lovely resource.

Moscow Expats
Facebook Page

Sharing gorgeous vistas that will entice any reticent expat to make the move to Moscow, this Facebook page was set up for the global community living in the cosmopolitan capital of continental Russia. As the first blush of expat excitement wears off, it can be so easy to settle into a boring routine, but these articles will inspire new and experienced expats alike.

Tiny Expats
Facebook Page | Twitter | Instagram

Having made their homes between the UK, Germany, China, Russia, Ukraine, the Czech Republic and more, these Tiny Expats are a family unit including two children, who are getting an incredible taste of the world at large. Sharing their thoughts, discoveries, wisdom and the occasional random musing via their blog and social media platforms, if you are thinking of moving to Russia, you need to follow them.

Expats Driving in Moscow
Facebook Page

Whilst not updated with great regularity, the articles are essential reading for anyone having to drive while living in Moscow. Driving rules, tips regarding local drivers and police, rules and fines, traffic and navigation, parking and security, doubts and questions. Everything an expat driver could think to need, in one central Facebook location. Disclaimer: written by an unofficial source.

Moscow Expat Secondhand Market
Facebook Group

Why buy new when you can purchase pre-loved? It’s a dilemma many expats face – relocating their lives across the world can be an incredibly expensive and heartwrenching process, only to discover that items have gone missing mid-transit or were simply too large or unnecessary to send to their new home. This is where groups like the Moscow Expat Secondhand Market come in – expats helping other expats.

We’re always on the lookout for more accounts to feature – if you write about living in Russia on social media, leave us a link in the comments and we’ll take a look!