Complementary Therapies In Portugal And How To Access Them
If you are legally resident in Portugal, then the vast majority of your healthcare needs will be covered by the country’s public health service, although you might need to pay a nominal amount to make an appointment with a doctor or pick…
Dental And Opthalmic Care In Portugal: How To Find The Right Options For You
The Portuguese health system has a two-tiered approach, with most residents being covered by the national health service. You will be eligible for public healthcare if you are legally resident in Portugal, although you might have to pay a token amount for…
How To Keep Fit And Healthy In Portugal
Moving abroad is a stressful time, even if you have chosen to move to a new location for a better overall quality of life. It is important to try to keep up good habits after you arrive, and to work out a…
Maternity Care In Portugal: What The Options Are And How To Decide On A Birth Plan
Like many other EU countries, Portugal has a two-tier healthcare system. The state funds healthcare for the majority of residents, both expats and locals, with some small charges for basic appointments and prescriptions. There are also provisions in place for people who…
What Quality Of Healthcare Can You Expect In Portugal?
Portugal enjoys a good level of healthcare, both in the state-run public health system and in its private hospitals and clinics.Many expats opt to simply go with the public health system, which only charges a nominal amount for basic appointments and prescriptions…
Jocelyn, Algarve
Who are you? Hello, I’m Jocelyn from Malaysia. I believe a little leap of faith can unlock your pathway beyond…