Poland is a popular destination for medical tourists, and expats living there find that they can access high-quality treatment at much lower costs than in the UK and the USA. The Polish government has a strict regulatory regime for medical professions, which is applied to private hospitals and clinics as well as those run by the state. By law, only qualified medical doctors and dentists are allowed to describe themselves as offering treatment to patients and clients, which makes it easier for you to find reputable practitioners.The state health service in Poland offers a good standard of care, but it is underfunded and understaffed, and waiting lists are long. Private healthcare providers offer a wide range of treatments, from routine orthopaedic procedures to heart surgery, fertility treatment, and, in some cases, stem-cell treatments for certain cancers. Dental clinics offer everything from simple check ups and cleaning to implants and root canal work.
English is widely spoken in Poland (as is German and Russian), and most clinics offer services in English. Private clinics and hospitals in Poland are usually equipped with the top quality equipment, and they offer very high standards of care. Clinics often offer an initial consultation with your chosen specialist by video call.
Orthopaedic procedures
Polish clinics regularly rank highly on review sites for medical tourism, and orthopaedics is a leading specialism. In addition to hip or knee replacements, you will find specialists in spinal surgery, hand surgery, trauma and sports’ injuries and procedures for tendons and ligaments. In many cases, keyhole surgery is available.
Average costs at time of writing are:
• Hip replacement: £4750/$5830
• Knee replacement: £4950/$6075
• Herniated disc surgery: £4560/$5600
• Shoulder replacement: £6900/$8450
• ACL reconstruction: £2500/£3070

Infertility treatment
Poland is one of the world leaders in infertility treatment, and clinics there offer cutting edge equipment and world class doctors. You can receive IVF either using your own eggs or sperm or donor eggs or sperm. By law, in Poland, all donors remain anonymous. If you choose the donor route, the clinic will help you match ethnicity, eye and hair colour, build, and blood type.
Donors are screened in advance for a number of serious medical conditions, and they also undergo psychological and physiological tests. Costs for treatment and for the freezing of eggs are much lower than in the UK or the USA. However, by law, treatment is not available to single women or other single people with wombs, or to couples who are both biologically women. There are no age limits. At time of writing, the average cost for diagnosis and one cycle of IVF is £2770/$3400.
Heart surgery
Poland is a world leader in cardiology, in both the state healthcare system and the private sector. Cardiologists working in private clinics are usually highly trained and experienced, and a full range of procedures is available. Costs are up to 40% lower than in the US. At time of writing, average costs are:
• Heart valve replacement: $12000
• Coronary artery bypass: $11400
• Installing heart pacemaker: $11000

Cataract surgery and laser treatment are available in many clinics, and, once again, standards are high. Average prices stand at:
• Cataract surgery (single eye): £1640/$2020
• Lasik eye surgery: £1550/$1900
Poland is one of the most popular choices for people seeking dental treatment abroad, and Polish dentists are trained to very high standards. They are also required to speak at least one other language, as well as Polish. It is thus easy to find an English-speaking practitioner. Costs of treatment can be as much as 70% lower than in the UK or the USA, and there are clinics in all major cities. At time of writing, average costs are:
• Dental crowns: £540/$663
• Single dental implant: £672/$825
• Porcelain veneers: £400/$490
• Root canal: £90/$110
• Dental bridge: £800/$982