How To Keep Your Health Insurance Costs Low In The Philippines
As an expat living in the Philippines, your insurance choices will be limited. Until recently, foreigners were not eligible to join the national health scheme, but in 2017, PhilHealth was extended to apply to expat workers. However, public healthcare is patchy in…
How To Keep Fit And Healthy In The Philippines
If you are living and working in the Philippines, or if you are visiting the country, you will find many opportunities to keep fit and well. The country is a beautiful one, with some lovely coastal and mountainous regions for you to…
How Much Do Health Procedures Cost In The Philippines?
How much you will pay for healthcare in the Philippines will depend on whether you choose to access the private or the public sector. Your eligibility for national health insurance is likely to be limited, but you can still access the public…
How To Rent Or Buy Property In The Philippines
The Philippines (officially the Republic of the Philippines) is a tropical archipelagic country in Southeast Asia consisting of an estimated 7,641 islands. The islands are subdivided geographically into three categories, which, from north to south, are Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. The islands…
Dental And Ophthalmic Care In The Philippines: How To Find The Right Options For You
As an expat looking for dental and eye care in the Philippines, you will be more or less restricted to the private sector. Although expats are eligible for the national health scheme, PhilHealth, this provides limited cover when it comes to both…
Randy Landis, Samar
Who are you? My name is Randy and I was born and raised in Illinios but, our family roots have…