If you are a European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA) or Swiss citizen, you will be able to freely live and work in Luxembourg without needing to apply for a permit. Usually, your new employer will arrange any necessary tax administration and social security registration on your behalf. As an employee in Luxembourg, you will also be entitled to the same maternity leave and sickness benefits as nationals.If you are from outside the EU or EEA and intend to stay in Luxembourg for more than three months, you will need to apply for a residence permit prior to your arrival into the country. The permit you need will be based on your individual circumstances; for example, if you are planning to work in Luxembourg, you will need to apply for an employment permit, while if you are intending primarily to study in the country, you should apply for a study permit. Other options include self-employment, research and joining a family member who is already resident in Luxembourg.
Luxembourg has three official languages – French, German and Luxembourgish – and being able to speak (or at least understand) one of these is a requirement for many jobs. Job sectors that are most often recruiting include financial services, health, transport, social services and construction.
Wages are typically determined between an individual and their employer and vary depending on your age and experience though must not be less than the minimum wage, which is adjusted biannually.

While there are no set guidelines for creating CVs in Luxembourg, you can maximise your CV’s effectiveness by ensuring you tailor it to the company you’re applying to and the job in question. Most job applications in Luxembourg are written in French, though some are in English or German, and it is expected that you respond in the same language, unless otherwise stated.
It is essential that you only include the most relevant information on your CV. Employers in Luxembourg hold work experience, qualifications, linguistic skills and hobbies in equally high regard, so presenting these in a clear format on your CV is important.
For best results, your CV should be set out as follows:
• Personal details, including full name, address and contact numbers, email address, nationality, date of birth and marital status;
• A recent professional photograph;
• Educational qualifications, starting with the most recent;
• Work experience, written in bullet-point style;
• Practical training and/or professional qualifications;
• Language skills, including proficiency in both written and spoken form;
• Computer literacy skills and any relevant qualifications;
• Hobbies and interests.
You should also try to stick to the following rules:
• Use a plain font;
• Use headings and bullet points to keep the information legible;
• Stick to one side of A4 where possible;
• Check spelling and grammar thoroughly;
• Translate into French (or German) if required.
Your CV should be sent alongside a covering letter, which should be concise and professional.
Many jobs in Luxembourg are secured via networking or the process of jobseekers sending out speculative CVs, both of which are worthwhile habits to form in your new country. Otherwise, check job sites such as monster.lu on a regular basis.

The recruitment process in Luxembourg can be rigorous and employers may expect you to attend more than one interview before a job offer is made. Once you secure an interview, prepare accordingly. Ensure your knowledge of the position you are applying for as well as the company itself are sound and be prepared to be quizzed on both. Interviews are likely to be conducted in French, German or English.
Some important tips for face-to-face interviews are:
• Find out the full name and title of the interviewer and ensure your pronunciation is correct;
• Wear business attire and appear smart;
• Be punctual – this is a big one in Luxembourg as being late is considered disrespectful;
• Promote yourself as a good candidate for the vacancy but try not to show off – Luxembourgers appreciate humility in their business culture;
• Prepare at least three questions to ask at the end of the interview.
If you apply for jobs in Luxembourg prior to relocating, you may be expected to partake in an online or telephone interview. Practice interviewing over the phone or on camera as it is a different experience and can provoke nerves in some individuals, so familiarisation is key.
Once you have secured a job in Luxembourg, it is important to continue networking as this may help to progress your career. Various events take place regularly across the country, or you could try LinkedIn. For those interested in freelance work, it is possible to register as self-employed or apply for a permit to start a business in Luxembourg.
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