What Options Are Available For Chronically Ill Expats In Israel?
Israel has a high quality healthcare system. If you suffer from a chronic illness there, you should find a good level of support for your particular condition. This article will take you through how the Israeli healthcare system works and its provision…
Prescriptions In Israel: What Is Available And How To Ensure You Get The Right Level Of Care
Israel has an exceptionally high standard of healthcare, and you should have little difficulty in accessing the medications that you need. However, it is worth noting that drug laws vary from country to country, so what is allowed in your home nation…
How To Register With The Health System In Israel
Under the National Health Insurance Law of 1995, the Israeli government extends universal coverage to every Israeli citizen and operates a two-tier health insurance system based on both public and private health insurance.Signing up with one of the four national schemes is…
How To Look After Your Mental Health In Israel
If you are living and working in Israel, it is important to take care of your mental health. Israel can be a stressful country to live in, in part due to the political tensions, and experts say that the country is in…
How To Keep Fit And Healthy In Israel
If you are living and working in Israel, you should have little difficulty in keeping fit and well during your stay in the country. Israel offers a wide range of sporting and fitness activities, and the wellness industry in the country is…
Joanna Shebson, Jerusalem
Who are you? Joanna Shebson. Where, when and why did you move abroad? I moved to Jerusalem, Israel from Los…