What Options Are Available For Chronically Ill Expats In India?
A chronic condition is defined as a health condition or disease that is persistent or otherwise long-lasting in its effects, or a disease that comes with time. If you suffer from a chronic condition while you are living and working in India,…
What Cover Is Available For Sports Injuries In India?
India is a major tourist destination, and the diversity of the country’s landscape means that it can cater to a number of sporting activities. For example, there are various water sports on offer in coastal areas, such as Goa, including sailing, boating,…
Maternity Care In India: What The Options Are And How To Decide On A Birth Plan
In India, your maternity options will depend on whether you are accessing maternity care in the public or the private sector. Most expats resident in the country will have private health insurance, and will not be dependent on the public healthcare system.…
How To Register With The Health System In India
The Indian government has prioritised healthcare over recent decades, establishing a universal healthcare system and state medical insurance, and the system is continuing to develop under a new scheme, colloquially known as Modicare. However, the system is still overstretched and suffers from…
How To Look After Your Mental Health In India
India is a fascinating place, but living and working there can be challenging. Western expats report high levels of culture shock, due in part to witnessing the extent of poverty in the country. As well as this, the labyrinthine Indian bureaucracy and…
Amanda, Chandigarh, India
Who are you? My name is Amanda, and I am an Australian born and raised 32-year-old female. Where, when and…