How Might The Changes To France’s Taxation System Affect You?
A new year brings new changes to the French Tax system. They are not as dramatic as they have been in some previous years, but there are still some significant changes.The biggest ones are the introduction of a PAYE system for income…
How Might The Changes To France’s Pension Reforms Affect You?
The French government is in the process of a total pension revamp. Currently, there are two main compulsory pension plans: ARRCO and AGIRC. AGIRC applies primarily to white-collar employees, while ARRCO applies mostly to blue-collar staff. These French pension plans are funded…
How To Insure Your Pet In France
As expats, we know that each move to a new country means mountains of research and paperwork. You’ll have to open new bank accounts, fill in forms, and take out new insurance policies. If you’re shopping for insurance abroad, you need to…
What Documentation Will You Need To Stay In France Following Brexit?
Brexit: it’s been the topic on everyone’s minds ever since Article 50 was triggered by Theresa May on March 29th, 2017. As the UK’s date to leave the European Union (EU) draws closer, speculation over what will happen with regards to trade,…
An Expat Guide to Car Insurance In France
Moving abroad can be confusing at the best of times. There’s so much to learn with regards to properties, locations and culture – and that’s before you add in the paperwork!However, when it comes to getting your documentation in place, insurance is…
Aga, Lyon
Who are you? My Name is Aga and I am a Pole. I think my passion for travelling but mostly…