How Might The Changes In French Driving Laws Affect You?
For France, 2019 so far has been nothing but turbulent. Following President Macron’s announcement of plans to increase the costs of petrol and diesel at the end of last year, mass protests ensued that snowballed into violent riots. Of course, the Yellow…
Gilets Jaunes: What’s Behind The Protests, And What Do They Mean For Expats?
A widespread movement across France has gained global attention and been dominating the news. In fact, the protests organised and carried out by the gilets jaunes have become so colossal that the mouvement des gilets jaunes has become the longest running protest…
France Implements Euthanasia Law: Will Other EU Countries Follow Suit?
The topic of euthanasia is one that has long divided opinions. However, due to current happenings in France, the conversation surrounding the right to die debate has been reignited.This has come about due to the high-profile case of Vincent Lambert, a 42-year-old…
How To Find An Apartment In Cannes
The French port of Cannes is a legendarily lovely place to live, with its silver screen associations and glamorous image. For many people, it’s the first place that comes to mind when they think of the South of France: yachts, beaches, sophisticated…
How Will The New Carte De Sejour Rules Affect You?
As Brexit continues to loom, it is strongly suggested that UK passport holders living in France apply for a carte de séjour (French residency permit). This is not a current legal requirement, but if this is done before Brexit, it will give…
Laura, Haute Vienne
Who are you? My name is Laura, I’m a 34-year-old blogger and psychotherapist living in France since the end of…