Michael Tatarski, Ho Chi Minh City

My name is Michael Tatarski. I am a 22 year-old American from New Orleans who is teaching English in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. I attended the University of Pittsburgh, in Pennsylvania, where I studied Political Science and History. I

Jonathan Hoff, Ho Chi Minh City

Jonathan Hoff, born in Bournemouth England. I’m 30 years old and currently a teacher by profession. I moved abroad to Korea in 2004 before heading to Vietnam in 2005. I had spent a year travelling Asia and Australasia before that,

Deborah David, Caracas

My names is Deborah David and I’m a Haitian-American living in Caracas, Venezuela with my husband and two children. I have a master’s of science in administration and currently blog at Balanced Melting Pot about raising children as second generation

Rebecca Shine, Manhattan

I’m Rebecca Shine – I live in Manhattan with my husband and 2 year old daughter. We are expecting our second child in October. We took the plunge and moved to Manhattan, from London, when my husband was offered a

Carmen Jones, London

I’m a 30-something southern belle expat from the US. I’ve spent the last year adapting to all things British including Victorian plumbing, the value of wellies and a new found acceptance of full fat dairy products. After deciding I needed

Kym Hamer, Kingston Upon Thames

I am a 41yr old Aussie girl from Melbourne who has loved living in the UK for the last 7 (almost) years. I love reading, cooking, eating, music, travelling, watching tv talent shows – oh, and blogging! I left my

CK, London

I’m CK. That’s the initials to my name and after awhile, people around me just call me that. I suspect they’ve forgotten about what my actual name is and I’m not about to remind them. Moved to London in the

Ann Marie McQueen, Abu Dhabi

I am a 40-year-old journalist from Canada. I moved to Abu Dhabi from Ottawa in April 2008 to help start up an English newspaper, The National, serving the UAE and region. I had always wanted to work abroad and never

Jacky, Dubai

My name is Jacky, married to Marc, mother of 4 children and two grandchildren. We moved to New Zealand in 1997 to get away from the crime in South Africa. We moved again from NZ to Dubai in 2005 as