Gordon, Almeria

My name is Gordon and I moved to Spain in July 2003 with my new wife Chris to start a new life. We initially moved to a place inland from Alicante called Castalla but have moved several times since, mainly

David, Sliema

My name is David, and I am a sun-seeker escaping from the present gloomy climate (in more ways than one) in Ireland. I moved to Malta in 2011, for the reasons outlined above. Relocating to another country is always going

Jane, Johannesburg

My name is Jane. I’m an English-born expat currently living in Johannesburg, but as with most things in my life, it is a little more complicated than that. My first expat experience was living in Paris and working as a

Zvezdana Rashkovich, Dubai

I am a Croatian/American author, blogger Interpreter, Third Culture Adult, (ATCK) mom of four TCKs and wife to a Sudanese Egyptian architect. I grew up in Libya and Sudan, moved to the US in my twenties and later to Qatar.

Harri, Sliema

I go by the name of Harri on my blog, and I’m a 24 years old British female now living in Malta! I moved to Malta in June 2010. My boyfriend and I had just met and were looking for

Stephanie Angulo, Churuquita Grande

I am MeanderingMiss of the Xpat Escape blog and Twitter. Some of my favorite things are photography, travel, writing, and cooking. Recently opening a Mexican Restaurant in La Chorrera, Panama generally occupies the rest of my free time! We moved

Justine Knox, Mallorca

I moved to Mallorca, Spain, with my parents in 1985 when I was 15 years old. Changing schools at that age, making new friends and learning a new language My parents had moved to Mallorca to buy a small hotel

Alan G, Lanzarote

I moved to Lanzarote in the Canary Islands in 2006 with my partner, Elle. We were looking for a different quality of life, and for a real change in lifestyle. We only had 2 criteria… there must be an established

Jennifer Lo Prete, Catalunya

I moved from California to Barcelona, Spain in 2009 with my husband and two young children. My husband was offered an interesting position at a Catalan company. We couldn’t refuse the opportunity to live in Europe, to experience life in