Emily, Harbin

Who are you? I’m Emily, 28 and from England. Where, when and why did you move abroad? I moved to Harbin, China in November 2014.I wanted to see more of the world, experience a completely different culture and break away

Alexa, Lisbon

Who are you? I am Alexa, a 43-year-old single mother, copywriter and blogger. Where, when and why did you move abroad? Actually there a few answers here!20 years ago, I moved to Montreal. The experience was amazing, and lasted for

Nadia Plamadeala, Rome

Who are you? My name is Nadia, I am from Moldova, 29 years old. I am a cross-cultural specialist currently writing my first book for expats about Italian culture.I also work in tourism and love to learn new things about

Eva, Nancy

Who are you? Hi! My name is Eva, I’m 24 years old and I come from Germany. Where, when and why did you move abroad? The first time I moved abroad was in August 2014. I came to Paris to

Megan, London

Who are you? I’m Megan, a 27 year old Australian girl who’s been an expat in London and exploring Europe for the past 5 years. Where, when and why did you move abroad? I moved to the UK in 2012,

Bethany, Serial Expat

Who are you? My name is Bethany, and I am an elementary educator and reading specialist. I started teaching in California, USA before I moved overseas to teach at international schools.I have now lived in 5 different countries and traveled

Katie, Melbourne

Who are you? I’m Katie, I’m a travel blogger living in Melbourne and originally from Manchester UK. Where, when and why did you move abroad? I moved to Melbourne in April 2015.I actually left the UK in October 2014 to

Catie Funk, Izmir

Who are you? I am travel writer and photographer as well as an expat blogger and podcaster for FunkTravels. I am currently learning Turkish part time. Before our move, I was a university study abroad coordinator.Before that I lived in

Bronnie Mayho, Hertfordshire

Who are you? I am Bronnie Mayho, once Bronwyn Hattaway.Where, when and why did you move abroad? I moved to Britain originally in the 1990’s but moved home and back several times during that decade, finally settling in SW London

Annamarie Gaglione, Santo Domingo

Who are you? Im Annamarie Gaglione, a 20 something year old originally from New Jersey, United States.Author of Jersey Girl Gone Caribbean blog and a full time student studying political science. Where, when and why did you move abroad? I