Maternity Care In Denmark: What The Options Are And How To Decide On A Birth Plan
Giving birth as an expat in Denmark is likely to be a positive experience. Maternity care within the public sector is of a high standard, and private healthcare is also excellent.As an expat, you will be eligible if you are covered by…
Prescriptions In Denmark: What Is Available And How To Ensure You Get The Right Level Of Care
Prescriptions In Denmark are not covered under public health insurance, so you will have to pay for your prescriptions if you are over the age of 18. However, the national scheme does reimburse partial costs of some medications, according to a sliding…
What Quality Of Healthcare Can You Expect In Denmark?
As an expat, the quality of healthcare that you can expect in Denmark will depend on whether you are accessing the public or the private healthcare sector. Overall, the quality of healthcare in the country is deemed to be of a high…
Dental And Opthalmic Care In Denmark: How To Find The Right Options For You
Denmark has a high standard of medical care generally, including dental and optical treatment, and you should have no difficulty accessing the care that you need.Dental care in the country operates according to a co-pay system: some of it is covered under…
How To Keep Your Health Insurance Costs Low In Denmark
In order to keep your health insurance costs low in Denmark, you have two main options: either signing up with the Danish national health insurance scheme, or by shopping around for the best private health insurance plan for your treatment needs.Your most…
Kay Xander Mellish, Copenhagen
Who are you? I’m an American living in Denmark, at last count for 13 years. I like it here, and…