What Quality Of Healthcare Can You Expect In The Czech Republic?
The quality of healthcare in the Czech Republic is generally very high. It consistently ranks top among Central European countries, and often shows up in the top locations in the world. For this reason, it is becoming a popular destination for medical…
How To Keep Your Health Insurance Costs Low In The Czech Republic
The Czech Republic runs a two-tier health system. The state health insurance looks after people for their basic needs, and offers a high level of care; but some people also choose to opt for private cover.If you do take out private health…
How Much Do Health Procedures Cost In The Czech Republic?
Public healthcare in the Czech Republic is free. However, some people opt to take out private cover, which affords them a wider range of choice in terms of which specialists they can see, and also adds an extra level of comfort; for…
How To Register With The Czech Health System
The Czech Republic has ranked highly in a variety of studies about healthcare around the world, and usually comes first in Central Europe. It is an increasingly popular medical tourism destination, particularly for people from the USA and from Central and Eastern…
What Visa Options Are Available In The Czech Republic?
The Czech Republic is a member of the European Union, and also of the Schengen area. All countries which signed the Schengen Agreement legally abolished their internal borders with other signatory countries. People, goods, services and capital may flow across these borders…
Sarah Coffey, Prague
Who are you? I’m a 35 year old woman who was born in England but spent part of my childhood/teenage…