A Guide To The NHS For New Expats In The UK

When talking about the United Kingdom, some of us will be immediately reminded of grey skies, glum weather, bland food and high costs of living. Yet, there is of course much more to the country than this. Immigrants of all

A Bookworm’s Tour Of London Bookshops

“What really knocks me out is a book that, when you’re all done reading it, you wish the author that wrote it was a terrific friend of yours and you could call him up on the phone whenever you felt

Emma Creese, London

Who are you? As a travel-addicted dreamer – although it’s hard to tell from my developing English accent – I originate from New Zealand, also known as Aoteoroa, Middle Earth, Hobbitland or Land of the Long White Cloud. As a

Escaping London: Ten Great Walks In The Country

Despite the grey weather, London has always been an attractive destination for expats. The city is home to some spectacular architecture, wide parks and places of art and culture. It is a multicultural, modern city with a bustling population that