Feeling At Home In Switzerland

by Nancy Bach After living in Hong Kong for six years, we were ready for a change of pace with our move to Switzerland. Just as we had done in Asia, we wanted to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Guns, Lies and Bibliothèque At The Swiss Border

by Nancy Bach La Douane? What’s that? When we learned we were moving to Switzerland I was elated. I love visiting new countries and learning new languages, so I was excited for the opportunity to add Swiss to my personal

Sonja Guldi, Valais

My name is Sonja, I am a German writer living in Switzerland since 2009 with my husband and my two dogs. I write a blog named blueberriejournal about my trips and travels and all sort of things coming to my

Chantal Panozzo, Zurich

I’m an American writer and copywriter living in a small town near Zurich, Switzerland. I write about life in Switzerland on my blog, www.onebigyodel.com. I also write about how to survive (and thrive) as an international creative person at Writer