How To Keep Fit And Healthy In Slovakia

If you are moving to Slovakia, you will find plenty of opportunities in this beautiful country for keeping fit and healthy. It is advisable to take out private health insurance cover for any healthcare needs rather than relying on the

How To Look After Your Mental Health In Slovakia

Slovakia is said to have one of the highest levels of mental illness in Europe. As an expat who is resident in the country, what are your options with regard to safeguarding your own mental health? To some extent this

What Quality Of Healthcare Can You Expect In Slovakia?

The quality of healthcare that you can expect as an expat in Slovakia will depend on whether you access the public system or take out private health insurance. Slovakia is a destination for healthcare tourism, including dental and cosmetic care,

How To Register With The Health System In Slovakia

Slovakia has a two-tier system of insurance, based on state health insurance but also with private health cover available. All residents are entitled to access public healthcare if they pay contributions into the system, including expats who are resident and

An Expat Guide To Renting A Property In Slovakia

If you are moving to Slovakia and expect to work, the likelihood is that you will head for the western region. With easier access to Germany and other European countries which trade with Slovakia, the west has proven popular with

Slovakia – Recommended Social Media Accounts

At Expat Focus, we like to be on the lookout for resources around the web that could help prospective expats adjust to their new countries. Today, we’re taking a look at Slovakia and some of the social media accounts you