Russia – Car Rental

Local rules and requirements Renting a car in Russia can be a great way to explore the country’s vast landscapes, historic cities, and stunning natural wonders. However, there are some rules and requirements that you should be aware of before

Russia – Buses and Trams

Russia has a well-developed public transport system that includes buses and trams. Buses are the most common mode of public transport in Russia, while trams are primarily used in major cities. In this article, we will discuss the buses and

Russia – Banking

Russia has a well-developed banking system with a large number of banks serving the needs of businesses and individuals. In this article, we will provide information on the main local banks in Russia, whether major UK and USA banks have

How To Keep Fit And Healthy In Russia

Russia is not always considered to offer the healthiest lifestyle on the planet, but if you are going to be living and working there, then you will find plenty of opportunities to keep fit and well.Russia is an enormous country.

How Much Do Health Procedures Cost In Russia?

How much you will pay for healthcare in Russia will depend on whether you access the public sector or the private sector. In general, state healthcare in the country is not of a high standard – it is not as