Poland – Top Five Expat Blogs

At Expat Focus, we like to be on the lookout for resources around the web that could help prospective expats adjust to their new countries. Today, we’re taking a look at Poland and some of the bloggers who write about

A Guide To Employment Laws In Poland

Poland is the only European Union member nation that hasn’t been struck by the recession. As such, there has been a steady stream of foreign investment into the country and employment opportunities for foreigners have increased. Since Poland is a

Giving Birth In Poland As An Expat

Having a baby in a foreign country need not be a daunting experience for an expat; all it takes is a little bit of preparation. Here are a few tips that could make it much easier for you to have

Expat Family Friendly Things To Do In Poland

In recent years, Poland has become increasingly popular as an expat location. As expat locations go, it’s pretty amazing – Poland is definitely a modern European country with all (or at least most) of the infrastructure and facilities you could

Anthony Casey, Kraków

I’m Anthony Casey. I was bored with the UK, struggling to find work in my own field as a freelance writer, journalist and editor, and wanted something new. So I came to Kraków, Poland. The ‘why?’ has many answers. I