Kuwait – Car Rental

Kuwait is a small but oil-rich country located in the Middle East with a variety of attractions, including beaches, museums, and historical landmarks. Renting a car in Kuwait can be a convenient way to explore the country, but it is important to understand the local rules and regulations for renting a car. This article will … Read more

Kuwait – Buses and Trams

Kuwait is a small country in the Middle East, bordered by Saudi Arabia and Iraq. The transportation system in Kuwait mainly consists of buses and taxis, and there are no trams or metro systems currently available. In this article, we will look at the standard of buses in Kuwait, the domestic and long-distance services, information … Read more

Kuwait – Banking

Kuwait is a small, oil-rich country in the Middle East. Its banking sector is highly developed, with a large number of banks and financial institutions offering a wide range of services to customers. In this article, we will look at the main local banks in Kuwait, whether major UK and USA banks have a presence … Read more

What Quality Of Healthcare Can You Expect In Kuwait?

Both public and private sector healthcare in Kuwait is of a high standard. The Kuwaiti government, via the Ministry of Health and other organisations (such as the Public Authority for Social Security), are investing in some world class new facilities. For example, at the Al Sabah Specialty Medical Area in Kuwait City, it is building … Read more

How To Register With The Health System In Kuwait

Kuwait has an efficient two-tier health system, but due to a decrease in oil revenues, and thus a decline in the economy overall, the government is targeting expats financially. Access to the public healthcare system for visiting expats is one of the benefits that may no longer apply in some cases, and the issue of … Read more

How To Keep Your Health Insurance Costs Low In Kuwait

Currently, the Kuwaiti authorities are in the process of changing access to the public healthcare system for expats. Now, you will be obliged to take out private cover in order to enter the country, and you will need private cover when you are there, too, as your ability to use the public system (even if … Read more