How Long Does It Take To Become Fluent In Italian?

"A different language is a different vision of life." —Federico Fellini Italian, a romance language originally descended from Latin, is believed to have spread across Europe in the 14th century, following the popularity of Dante’s Divine Comedy. Today, there are

The Best Places To Watch Outdoor Cinema In Rome This Summer

On balmy summer evenings, Rome’s Piazza San Cosimato is positively buzzing with activity and excitement. As the sun sets on the quintessentially Roman neighbourhood of Trastevere, the main square is where residents and visitors alike gather to partake in one

Homeware Shopping In Abruzzo – A Guide For Expats

Abruzzo is a region to the east of Rome, characterised by majestic mountain ranges, rugged coastline, charming medieval villages and vibrant city centres. When it comes to purchasing things for the home, shops such as Pescara, L’Aquila, Teramo and Chieti

Homeware Shopping In Tuscany – A Guide For Expats

Located in central Italy, Tuscany is famous for its spectacular scenery, awe-inspiring architecture and pleasant climate, making it a popular destination for expats. There is a wide range of shopping options offering homeware to suit everyone.Supermarkets There are a number

Expat Challenges In Italy And How To Address Them

They like to say ‘when in Rome, do as the Romans do’, but that’s not going to solve every problem you encounter as an expat in Italy. For one thing, the Italian economy is still sluggish following the global economic

An Expat Guide To Taxes In Italy

A country steeped in history, art, and culture, Italy has always been a hotspot for expats from all over the world. It sports a gorgeous climate that is considered one of the best in the European region, and is also

Italy Or Spain – Which Would Suit You?

Are you trying to decide between Italy and Spain as a destination? There are some similarities between these countries, both of which enjoy sunny Mediterranean weather, are populated with Latin peoples, harbor a great love for good wine and cuisine,

An Expat Guide To Driving In Italy

Driving in Italy can be daunting for those not used to the experience. The city streets are stressful to navigate, but the pace does slow down as you head towards the countryside. For new expats who are looking forward to

Nadia Plamadeala, Rome

Who are you? My name is Nadia, I am from Moldova, 29 years old. I am a cross-cultural specialist currently writing my first book for expats about Italian culture.I also work in tourism and love to learn new things about