James, Wiesbaden

Who are you? My name is James, from Greater Birmingham, UKWhere, when and why did you move abroad? I moved to Wiesbaden, Germany in 2006 when I was headhunted for a job out here. All of my friends at the time were getting married and I had always wanted to live abroad after I spent … Read more

Understanding Expat Health Insurance In Germany

Health insurance is compulsory as is nursing care insurance and expats looking to receive a residence permit – which they will need to access healthcare facilities – will need to prove they have health insurance before the permit is granted. There are two types of providers, private health insurance, and state-provided insurance. The statutory insurance … Read more

Ten Reasons Why Expats Love Living In Berlin

Located in the northeastern part of Germany, Berlin is the capital of the country and one of the major cultural centers on the continent. It is the second most populated city in the EU, with approximately six million residents from over 190 different nations. Berlin has long been a popular destination for expats because of … Read more

A Newbie’s Guide To Living In Berlin – Art, Culture And Cuisine

Germany is the geographical, economic and political heart of Europe. With a population of over 81 million, it is the second most populous nation in the region. Its robust economy is the fifth largest in the world. Germany’s influence can be seen in the countries that surround its territory. But the same countries have also … Read more

Ten European Weekend Trips You Can Take By Train from Germany

Germany—the land of beer, bratwurst and the bahn! Germany has a huge and well developed network of trains that are not only punctual but also very comfortable and relatively easy on the pocket. Trains are the most-used form of long distance transport within Germany, second only to automobiles.In recent years, with the competition from intercity … Read more

Aaron And Meghan, Mannheim

Who are you? We’re Aaron and Meghan, two Americans, engineers, scuba divers, and travelers, originally from Michigan in the United States, but currently living in Mannheim, Germany. Where, when and why did you move abroad? We moved to Germany in August 2014 for Aaron’s job. He is working on a new plant that is to … Read more

Germany – Recommended Blogs

At Expat Focus, we like to be on the lookout for resources around the web that could help prospective expats adjust to their new countries. Today, we’re taking a look at Germany and some of the blogs that might be useful for expats there. Submerged Oaks http://www.submergedoaks.com/ Aaron and Meghan say that they are just … Read more

Interview with Flavia Holman

Flavia, tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to be an expat. I’m Brazilian/American and have been an expat for over 20 years now. I went to Switzerland to spend a year and as the stories go, I have only been back to visit. I’ve lived in England, the US and now … Read more

Tania Lestal, Munich

Who are you? My name is Tania and I am an Estonian Australian with a passion for travel, writing and creative pursuits. I studied media and communications at university and went on to work in film and television. Before I left Australia I had a fantastic job organising film festivals. For the past five years … Read more

Jim Geren, Mergentheim

Who are you? My name is Jim Geren. I am originally from the U.S. state of Vermont. Where, when and why did you move abroad? I moved to Bad Mergentheim, Germany in 2013 from Colorado Springs, CO with my then girlfriend (now wife), Eve, and our two dogs, Buster and Wilson. Mergentheim is Eve’s hometown … Read more