From Paris To Marseille – An Expat Guide To French Cities

France, famous worldwide for its culture, cuisine, and sophistication, is a dream destination for many expats. The country boasts rich historical cities, stunning landscapes, excellent food and wine, and a lifestyle that balances work and leisure. This article will navigate

Navigating The Vehicle Registration Process In France

In France, every car on the road must go through a mandatory registration process regulated by the ‘Système d’Immatriculation des Véhicules’ (SIV). Managed by the French Ministry of the Interior, the SIV system is designed to ensure the traceability and

Kylie Lang, Charente, France

Who are you? I’m Kylie Lang and I was born in the UK. I love to travel and have managed to live on three different continents during my life, but I’m now settled in France. As a full-time blogger, I

The Realities Of Life In Rural France

 Carlie: Hey there it’s Carlie with the Expat Focus Podcast. Are you subscribed to the Expat Focus channel on YouTube? We’re approaching our first milestone of 1,000 subscribers. You can help us reach it, by searching ‘Expat Focus’ and

Malaika Neri, Paris

Who are you? Hey! My name is Malaika Neri, and I’m an Indian-born expat in Paris, France. Paris has been my home for the last five years – with a break of two years when I cycled from Alaska to

Thérèse Lafleche, France

Who are you? Thérèse Lafleche, a mother of two, wife, and gypsy soul. Born in Canada, I have had a strong sense of wanderlust since the age of 16 and first remember wanting to travel when I was six and