Driving In Paris – A Few Survival Tips For Expats

Driving in Paris can be a nerve-wracking experience for many. The Étoile, for example, is the intersection of twelve major Parisian roads, and maneuvering a vehicle through this junction alone has given many foreigners the jitters. Most holiday-goers are advised

Richard Nahem, Paris

Who are you? Richard Nahem, born and raised in New York City. I was a chef and caterer in New York for 21 years before I moved to Paris. I now have a successful private tour business www.eyepreferparistours.com where I

Diane Wargnier, Loire Valley

Who are you? My name is Diane and I’m an American originally from New Jersey now living in France’s Loire Valley with my husband, Tom, and Cavalier King Charles spaniel, Dagny. Where, when and why did you move abroad? I

France – Five Recommended Expat Blogs

At Expat Focus, we like to take a look around the internet and see who’s sharing interesting ideas and useful tips for expatriate life all around the world. In our travels, we come across lots of blogs we’d like to

Rosalyn Chapman, Brittany

I’m Rosalyn Chapman. I moved to France in 2005. I had always wanted to move to France, I wanted to move home anyway, that’s how the dream became reality. We put our house in the UK on the market and

An English Christmas – French Style

I must have blinked, just as I thought Autumn had arrived it was suddenly winter. Its now time to start planning my Christmas, well planning started in March when our turkeys arrived becoming the most pampered live stock here at

Chrissie, Nice

Who are you? Hi, I’m Chrissie, an Australian living and working in Nice, France. Like many of my compatriots, I headed off to discover the world upon completion of my university degree and ended up here in the sunny South