20 Surprising Facts About France

For centuries, France has been a leading political power and a global centre of culture that has made major contributions to the fields of science, philosophy and the arts. Even today, it remains one of the most powerful countries in

Living French: One Girl’s Struggle

First, let me paint you a picture… of a very capable, very confident young english woman living in France, who has conquered parking in very tiny spaces, mastered most of the accepted french hand gestures, perfected her ‘moelleux chocolat’, and

5 Things No One Tells You About Living In Paris

Living in Paris is like a dream come true for many expats. Every year, thousands of foreigners from Europe and America move to the “city of love” to live out their fantasy. The weather, scenic beauty and rich culture are

Aga, Lyon

Who are you? My Name is Aga and I am a Pole. I think my passion for travelling but mostly for discovering new cultures and exploring different lifestyles started at the university. I have been actively spending any free time

5 Experiences You Must Try As An Expat In Paris

Paris is one of the most elegant and sophisticated cities in the world. The River Seine, which flows through the heart of the city, and the thirty-two bridges across it; the architecturally brilliant city squares; and the many grand monuments

Etiquette Faux Pas In France: How Not To Act

France is a land of great cultural diversity. The heart of the country, the city of Paris, is a perfect reflection of this with its mix of people and ideas. But like every other country in the world, there are