Nicole Eastman, Grand Cayman

Who are you? I am a faith-filled and gifted individual who uses my gifts, including my leadership, honesty, vulnerability and openness, empathy, andsensitivity to educate, encourage, inspire, and motivate others. I am a proponent of continued education and mentoring. I

Caymans – Recommended Social Media Accounts

At Expat Focus, we like to be on the lookout for resources around the web that could help prospective expats adjust to their new countries. Today, we’re taking a look at the Cayman Islands and some of the social media

Cayman Islands – Recommended Blogs

At Expat Focus, we like to be on the lookout for resources around the web that could help prospective expats adjust to their new countries. Today, we’re taking a look at the Cayman Islands and some of the blogs that

Cayman Islands – Top Five Expat Blogs

At Expat Focus, we like to be on the lookout for resources around the web that could help prospective expats adjust to their new countries. Today, we’re taking a look at Cayman and some of the bloggers who write about

Higher Paid Jobs in the Cayman Islands

The Cayman Islands provide an enviable opportunity for English-speaking professionals to live in a ‘tropical paradise’, and one that has the highest living standard within the entire Caribbean region (and the 14th highest per capita GDP in the world) at