How To Register With The Health System In The Cayman Islands

The Cayman Islands is an autonomous British Overseas Territory in the Caribbean, comprising the three islands of Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac and Little Cayman. The population of the Cayman Islands is just 61,559, so you may be forgiven for thinking that it must have little in the way of healthcare in place.It may therefore come … Read more

How To Keep Your Health Insurance Costs Low In The Cayman Islands

The Cayman Islands is perhaps most well-known for being a tax haven. While this has obvious advantages for the people living there, one of the areas it affects negatively is health insurance. Indeed, one of the main reasons people choose not to retire in the Cayman Islands is that the cost of sufficient coverage can … Read more

What Cover Is Available For Sporting Injuries In The Cayman Islands

Although it is a legal requirement for all Cayman Island residents to take out medical insurance, additional cover will almost certainly be required for anyone participating in extreme sports. This is particularly the case for climbing, sailing and diving, which can all lead to injuries, from broken bones and torn ligaments to decompression sickness.The Cayman … Read more

How To Look After Your Mental Health In The Cayman Islands

The Cayman Islands has a population of 65,000 people, and it is estimated that 4,000 of these suffer from mental health problems. Between 2006 and 2016, the number of mental health issues increased by 67%, with a significant growth in the number of drug abuse cases and suicidal tendencies. In his findings published in 2017, … Read more

Complementary Therapies In The Cayman Islands And How To Access Them

Complementary therapies are either accepted additional aspects of established Western medicine, such as physiotherapy and osteopathy, or alternative approaches, such as homeopathy, which are believed to work in conjunction with scientifically based treatment.Many therapists believe in a holistic approach, taking every aspect of a person’s health, both physical and emotional, into consideration when designing an … Read more

How To Apply For A Visa In The Cayman Islands

In order to enter the Cayman Islands, your passport must have a minimum validity of six months beyond the date of your return ticket, assuming you are on a short-term visit. Nationals from some countries will also need to possess a valid visa. You will need to present proof of onward or return travel, and … Read more

Roger Southam

Who are you? I am Roger Southam, serial entrepreneur and High Performance Coach. I founded my first company in 1989 and ran it successfully until 2016 when I sold it to an International Real Estate Advisor.I am a Chartered Surveyor by profession by now active in Biogas, Tech solutions and high performance coaching. Where, when … Read more

How To Find A Job In The Cayman Islands

The Cayman Islands – a beautiful Caribbean tax haven – has an obvious appeal for expats seeking employment. But how easy is it to find work there? The good news is that there are jobs available, particularly if you have a background in finance, specifically the investment and insurance sectors.What Are The Legal Requirements For … Read more