Complementary Therapies In Bulgaria And How To Access Them

Although conventional care in Bulgaria can be of variable quality, particularly outside the big cities, complementary therapies are flourishing in the country, with a growing number of holistic centres and spas.This is an ancient trend: Thracian communities grew up around the thermal springs. Several Roman emperors also noted the hot springs of the country and … Read more

How Does Cancer Care In Bulgaria Compare With The UK?

Cancer treatment is a priority in both Bulgaria and the UK, but there have been suggestions that cancer care in both countries lags behind that of other European nations. Macmillan Cancer Support, the UK’s main cancer charity, notes that survival rates are not as strong in the UK as elsewhere in Europe, and a country … Read more

How Much Do Health Procedures Cost In Bulgaria?

The cost of healthcare in Bulgaria will depend on the type of insurance that you have. If you are an expat and are signed up with the national health insurance system, then you will be covered for a range of care and treatment which will be free at the point of delivery, but if you … Read more

How To Look After Your Mental Health In Bulgaria

Mental health issues are of course challenging wherever you are, and Bulgaria is no exception. If you are an expat resident in the country, therefore, and concerned about your mental health, what levels of care might you expect, and how can you best safeguard your own mental state?Bulgaria has never had a separate law on … Read more

How To Register With The Health System In Bulgaria

It is critical for expats in Bulgaria to register with the state healthcare system, as medical costs here can be very high. In order for you to be eligible for public state health insurance, either your home country will need to have a reciprocal arrangement with Bulgaria or you will need to make national insurance … Read more

What Quality Of Healthcare Can You Expect In Bulgaria?

As an expat, the quality of healthcare that you will find in Bulgaria will depend on whether you are accessing the public sector care or if you have taken out private health insurance, and in addition, which region of the country you are based in.The country spends around 4.2% of its GDP on healthcare and … Read more

Caroline May, Vratsa

Who are you? My name is Caroline May. I’m 64 and retired. I used to be a special school teacher. Where, when and why did you move abroad? My partner, Danny (51), and I were living abroad for nearly three years before we came to Bulgaria.We lived in Ireland, Spain and France, then we realised … Read more

Martin Stephenson

Who are you? My name is Martin Stephenson and I am an English artist, author and teacher from Yorkshire. Where, when and why did you move abroad? I moved to Bulgaria 10 years ago to semi-retire, as I lost my sister to cancer and decided to live the dream instead of waiting for retirement.I had … Read more