How To Register With The Health System In Brazil

Healthcare in Brazil is provided by both private and government institutions, and is considered a constitutional right. All Brazilian nationals and permanent residents are entitled to free public healthcare. Public healthcare in Brazil is provided by the National Healthcare System,

How To Keep Your Health Insurance Costs Low In Brazil

Although healthcare itself is free in Brazil, including for foreigners, supplementing this with private health insurance is highly advisable. This is because the public healthcare system is under strain, meaning you could face long waiting times, poorer quality of care,

How To Keep Fit And Healthy In Brazil

In 2014, Brazil’s Ministry of Health released new dietary guidelines, in an attempt to combat the growing number of overweight and obese people. The government’s guidelines now tend to be less focused around calorie restriction and portion-sizes, and instead reflect

How Much Do Health Procedures Cost In Brazil?

Despite the fact that Brazil has a free universal health system in place, there are some instances in which you may find yourself needing to pay for appointments and exams. Brazil’s Unified Health System Sistema Único de Saúde (a.k.a. SUS)

How To Apply For A Visa In Brazil

In order to enter Brazil, you must be able to satisfy the immigration authorities about your purpose for visiting and that you have enough money for the duration of your stay. You may need to provide details of your accommodation,

How To Find A Job In Brazil

The Brazilian labour market is not overly welcoming to foreigners. Companies must demonstrate that two-thirds of their employees are Brazilian, and to get a work visa (needed by any foreigner who wants a job), you’ll need to prove that you

How To Find A Job In Brazil

Prior to planning a trip to Brazil, prospective expatriates are advised to apply for jobs first. There are limited vacancies in the Brazilian job market. In addition, the country has one of the largest labor forces in the world. Over

Making Sense Of Brazil’s Taxation System

The Brazilian taxation system has been called tricky, complex, or downright confusing! With around 90 forms for tax, duties and contributions, this description isn’t too surprising. So let’s try to simplify matters by breaking down the system as far as

Brazil – Recommended Expat Blogs

At Expat Focus, we like to be on the lookout for resources around the web that could help prospective expats adjust to their new countries. Today, we’re taking a look at Brazil and some of the blogs that might be