Surviving The Office Jungle Abroad

There are a plenty of helpful articles focusing on how an expatriate can find a dream job abroad, get a work visa, and settle into the adopted country. All of these represent big hurtles needing guidance in and of themselves, but what happens when you start actually working? What are the real challenges? And how … Read more

The Beauty of Austria

by Martha Andrus As you drive from Germany into Austria, you begin to see the outline of the Alps in the far distance. As you get closer to Austria, the Alps are more prevalent and are the absolute most awesome sight one can behold. The closer you get to these mountains, the more you begin … Read more

Kerry Smith, Vienna

My name is Kerry Smith and I was born in Brighton on the south coast of England (UK) where I have lived for most of my life. I write the blog a new girl in vienna. I like to take photographs, cook, eat out and write about my daily experiences as I try to settle … Read more