How To Find A Job In Australia

As an expat, your ability to work in Australia will depend on the nature of your visa, and whether it confers your right to work in the country. Working visas are often regulated according to the skills required in a

Linda Alley, Melbourne

Who are you? Hi, I’m Linda Alley, a teacher and writer from New Zealand. These days I live with my husband in Melbourne, Australia. Where, when and why did you move abroad? I’ve actually been living in different countries for

How To Get A Mortgage As An Expat In Australia

Australia has long been a popular choice for expats, particularly the British, given the long-shared history with our former colony, which is still part of the Commonwealth. Thanks to its sunny climate and high standard of living, Australia is top

Natascha Carrel, Noosa

Who are you? Hi! My name is Natascha Carrel. I am 40 years old, I am married to my best friend and partner in adventure Yan. Together, we have three amazing children. Being a wife and mum is what makes

What Does Australia’s New DAMA Act Mean For You?

Australia has long had a strict immigration policy, with most expats applying for visas based on their special skills. Unfortunately for the country, this has so far meant that expats flock to the cities with the most opportunity and highest