How Much Do Health Procedures Cost In Costa Rica?
When it comes to healthcare in Costa Rica, the country has a variety of options for you to choose from. Comprising of both public and private healthcare services you have the option to choose between what type of service you’d like, and…
How To Keep Your Insurance Costs Low In Costa Rica
When it comes to health insurance in any country, it pays to be prepared. After all, you never know what costs you might be facing, until a time comes when you are ill or injured and require treatment. And as with any…
How To Register With The Health System In Costa Rica
When it comes to healthcare in Latin America, Costa Rica has excellent standards. Frequently placed in the World Health Organisation’s top country rankings for long life expectancy, Costa Rica’s tropical climate and non-preservative-laden foods play a huge part in keeping its residents…
What Quality Of Healthcare Can You Expect In Costa Rica?
Moving abroad presents a number of challenges and questions, chief among these being the issue of healthcare. Will you have access to the same quality of treatment as you had in your home country? How much of a difference is there between…
Maternity Care In Costa Rica: What The Options Are And How To Decide On A Birth Plan
Costa Rica’s healthcare system is very supportive of those who are planning to have children. As an expat, you can either use the public health system, known as Caja, to help with your maternity needs; or you can take out private health…
Mike White, Guanacaste
Who are you? Mike White, Founder of The Happy Rollers (helping people move to Costa Rica so they can experience…