November in the Morvan

I am typing this on 30 October. As always at this time of year, our local shops and markets are full of potted chrysanthemums.La Toussaint, November 1, is the day when families put flowers on the graves of their departed relatives. Roman Catholic tradition makes a distinction between La Toussaint, All Saints’ Day, and the … Read more

Autumn In The Morvan

29 September here, and as I write we are enjoying an Indian summer. There is a great deal going on – wine festivals, antique fairs, exhibitions and much more. Find out more here. I, however, am typing this surrounded by cardboard boxes. On Monday 2 October work will begin on ripping out our old kitchen … Read more

Vive La Rentrée – September In The Morvan

My online Harraps devotes an explanatory paragraph to La Rentrée. “The time of year when children go back to school – in September – has considerable cultural significance in France. Coming after the long summer break or grandes vacances, it is the time when academic, political, social and commercial activity begins again in earnest.” They … Read more

Mutterings From The Morvan

Black Friday The last weekend of July is a time of massive traffic congestion, caused by les juilletistes – the people who go on holiday in July – on their way home, and les aoûtiens – the August holidaymakers – setting out for their hols. On Friday 28 July French TV channel TF1 showed a … Read more

Summer In The Morvan

‘Quelle canicule!’ everyone exclaimed: ‘What a scorcher!’ June was exceptionally hot and dry, and I took to recycling our bath water to wash the car and water the geraniums on the patio. Then, on June 27, just as we were driving home from Avallon (more of that trip anon), the heavens opened. Since then it … Read more

Flaming June In The Morvan

I am typing this on May 30, during a heatwave – une canicule as they say here. It ain’t half hot, Mum, and John has taken to wearing shorts, while I hang out the washing at 6 am to take advantage of the blessed coolth and to put out water for the birds and squirrels … Read more

May in the Morvan

You know May is on the way when the bluebells appear in the woods along the road to Lormes. They overflow onto the verges and compete for attention with delicate white stitchwort and red campion. Truly tricolore, just in time for the Presidential Election in which John and I are not allowed to vote (whatever … Read more

April Fools’ Day In The Morvan

Here in France, April Fools are called Poissons d’Avril . Children try to stick a paper fish on the back of an unsuspecting person. While nobody seems to know why fish would be associated with April 1, many think it refers to the zodiac sign of Pisces. Do we really, cosmically speaking, care?Adults enjoy spoof … Read more

En Marche?

Mars, actually, but I do enjoy a good pun and En Marche! is the slogan of one of the contenders for the French Presidency. Digression: Despite rendering unto Le Fisc that which is due unto Le Fisc, John and I are not allowed to vote in this election. Whatever happened to ‘No taxation without representation’?For … Read more

February In The Morvan

January brought snow. Our birds and squirrels cost us a fortune in grain and fat balls. Squirrels? Yes: far from hibernating, Tufty and Tess visit our kitchen windowsill daily. John took this photograph through the window.We have had photovoltaic panels installed on the roof. A government initiative is promoting them in a bid to reduce … Read more