All Change At Hong Kong

With jumbo-sized poignancy an amusing thought struck me recently; and it was all to do with the very spot on which I stood. You see, had I been there during my previous Hong Kong life, I’d certainly have risked arrest

Wake Up!

No, not you! But if that is your alarm clock I can hear ringing even from here then perhaps you ought, you’ll be late and you know how tetchy that new boss of yours can be. Actually, I’m talking to

The Month of February in Tuscany

Benvenuti and welcome to all my lovely followers, If you are new to this column I should tell you that each month I reflect back on the previous one, which in this case is February 2018. My aim is to

March in the Morvan

Brrr! I am writing this on February 28 and the temperature outside is minus 7. Taking into account the windchill factor, it may be as cold as minus 12. My father used to say, ‘Wind in the east, cold for