It’s a Small, Small, Social Networky World

When I first left England’s green and pleasant land, way back in 1990, the only communication I had with my large circle of friends came in envelopes. As an avid letter-writer, I was (and still am) noted for “keeping in

So Long, Farewell? Not Necessarily

There are two types of expat in my opinion – the static expat and the transient expat. I’m a static expat in that I have lived more or less in the same place for years. Transient expats are the ones

Knowing Where You’re Going

I was educated in England and have found the American education system to be one of the most difficult “assimilation” areas so far. One thing I have never really done is make comparisons; the two systems are so different it’s

It’s All in the Delivery

“I shouldn't be saying this – high treason, really – but I sometimes wonder if Americans aren't fooled by our accent into detecting brilliance that may not really be there.” – Stephen Fry When it comes to accents it’s great

A Very Foreign Christmas

Whether you relocated two years ago or twenty, Christmas can always be counted on to remind you of “home”. Holiday attire in the States does that for me.. Oh yes, it’s not just the people standing in for Santa who

Expat Kids – Missing Out on Traditions?

It’s almost Thanksgiving as I write and we have no plans. Whatsoever. Most American families will have the menus planned down to the cranberry sauce, but we’re still wondering what we’re going to do. Some years we get together with

Halloween, American Style

Despite having lived in the States for twenty years, you’d be surprised at how many bits of American culture I still haven’t embraced. Top of that list is marching bands, which are ever-present at college football games and positively set

Expat Living – Lessons in Humility

Whether you move around the world or just to one country, I guarantee you’ll make a fool of yourself at some point. It can be a language blooper or a culture clanger, but it’s there, lurking on your horizon. For