Education in France

I’m about to start on a tour of several of France’s universities with my daughter Caitlín. She’s in her last year of lycée and will be taking her baccalaureat in the summer and moving on to third level education. But

Chasing Away the Winter Blues

I used to hate February. It’s cold, gray, and winter feels like it will never end. There’s also that awful holiday of Valentines Day plucked right in the middle that seems to make more people miserable than lovey-dovey regardless of

Trapped Abroad

Many expats venture abroad without really thinking too far into the future. “I’m taking a job for a couple of years in (insert far-flung place). It’ll be a great adventure for the kids.” That’s fine, and indeed, planning too far

Electricity – Or Lack Of

Normal life: You press light switch and there is light. When you want a shower there is hot water. When you want to microwave something you just nuke it. Unfortunately it is not quite the same here in the Dominican

The Space Between

The initial flurry of unpacking and getting settled has passed, the excitement of the holidays is over and a more normal routine has begun to prevail. For many accompanying partners, the realisation of what “normal” life will entail in a

Avoiding Isolation

One of my biggest fears about moving to a new country as a “tag along” spouse was isolation. I dreaded the thought of moving halfway around the world with my husband, having him go off every day to a job

It’s Winter in the Desert

I can say that with a smile these days, reveling in the warmth of my newly purchased woolly socks, the feel of a cozy blanket and the endless cups of steaming ginger tea I indulge in throughout the day…all without