Expat Investments in a Low Interest Rate World

by Expat Focus investment partner, Tom Zachystal On August 9th Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the US Federal Reserve, made an unprecedented announcement (although I guess by now we should be used to unprecedented announcements from the Fed). He announced that the Fed would keep US target interest rates low for two years. Never before has … Read more

How to Avoid Expat Investment Scams

by Tom Zachystal (CFA, CFP), Expat Focus partner and President of Individual Asset Management You have worked hard to build a nest egg and would like to invest your money in order that it work for you to provide for the lifestyle you desire; but while searching for investments or investment advisors you find it … Read more

Financial Planning for Expats Moving to the USA

There are numerous issues that need to be addressed when moving to a new country and it often seems the more “developed” your new country of residence, the more important it is to understand and follow regulations. Individual Asset Management provides financial planning services to non-US citizens living and preparing to live in the United … Read more

France Springs Into Life

I love March. Rural France suddenly springs into life again as the temperatures rise. Here in Creuse we normally have long winters that last from early November until well into March. However, this year we swapped long for intense. The four weeks of le grand froid, the big freeze, were painful with temperatures down to … Read more

Making Friends – Expat Style

Having a few close friends is one of the key factors that determine how happy I am in my new host country. I have learned this after being an expat in S. Korea, Thailand now Germany. I’ve also learned that meeting new people is easy, but finding close friends? Not so easy, but possible with … Read more