Dubai To Thailand… The Transition

As I massacred a spider as big as my hand with a broom that was thankfully close by, I couldn’t help but think to myself, they didn’t come that big in Dubai. But, here I am in Thailand and that’s

The Two Old Fools’ New Spanish Car

“We’ve run out of milk,” I said to Joe. “Could you drive down the mountain and pick some up, please? There are a few things we need, and I have this blog to finish.” “No problem.” I should explain that

5 Reasons I DO NOT Like Living In Dubai

1. Goodbyes: in a transient community such as Dubai change due to job situations or family obligations are unavoidable. Sometimes, they occur in an abrupt manner in the form of a termination of contract, sometimes because of homesickness and sometimes

Cayman’s Expats – 57 Varieties, And Counting

One of the most thrilling things about being an expat is mixing with foreigners in one’s everyday life – people whose customs and cultures and national histories are different from our own. My small island (50,000 people, 80 square miles)

April, A Time Of Traditions

Every country has its strange traditions, and France is no exception. April kicks off with the best of the lot. The first of day of the month is the day of poissons d’avril (April fish). The idea is to sneakily

Declutter Your Life – Emigrate!

Ok. Maybe that’s a bit extreme. But have you ever been surprised how much “stuff” you own? Minimalism is easy when you’re a couple, but add children to the mix and your “Stuff Quotient” soars. Strollers, highchairs, stair-gates and outgrown


I was seven years old when I first traveled to a foreign country, a short family trip to Canada to visit Niagara Falls. While the roaring falls on the US side were attractive enough, everyone knew the more impressive-looking Horseshoe

The Changes That Come With Children

From the moment I had a child, things became different. Wait, back that up: from the moment I conceived a child, things became different, and I’m not just talking about the big life changes that come along with having a